Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanks R.G.S.

As some of you have read from a prior posts on here, i was part of the stars being aligned, and also waiting for lightning to strike my gun, as i was part of a rare "triple" on ruffs this season.
The Ruffed Grouse society has a club, in which you have to be a member to qualify, but none the less have to sign an affidavit to say you shoot two simultaneous birds in the air at the same time, also a witness. They keep track and then you are listed in their all time records.
Besides this nice little plaque certificate, they also send you a silver pin with two birds on it.
it was a much nicer award than i thought it would be, and it was free!
Anyway, not much to see here, but i thought some of you might enjoy seeing what they actually send you, its quite nice!


  1. Nice work Jack! Next we'll work on the "Two Steelhead on One Cast" award... coming this Spring! Congrats.


  2. Nate,
    Itl never happen.
    I have enough trouble with one, ALTHOUGH
    I plan on changing that this spring
