Thursday, June 30, 2011

The new chapter begins

Somewhere in this one week old tangled mess of jet black fur, puppy breath, and more love than any man should deserve lies 'DUKE", the newest addition to our clan.
Duke resides out of Tallgrass kennels in South Dakota. He is of British Lines, so he will be a much smaller dog than our beloved "Kwik", but will probably be a bit calmer also.
This kennel came highly recommended from two people that I trust. Unannounced to me, I actually pet and played with a tallgrass dog a few years ago at the Ducks unlimited world festival. It was a fantastic specimen, and very impressive in responsiveness to its owner.
So the pick up date is mid August, Kelly and I will be making the drive to go pick him up.At his age , he's obviously going to sit out this hunting season, but I will be cross training him for both the uplands and waterfowl. So next Spring and Summer will have a lot less fishing and a lot more dog training. I'm OK with that, training Kwik was a great bonding process and lots of fun.
I'll keep ya posted!

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